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備戰雅思:每日一個口語話題 Work or Study


順順留學發布時間:05-1810:48每日分享一個口語話題,全力幫你雅思口語上8添加順小六,可咨詢領取劍14、劍15相關備考資料,更有名師輔導幫你精準提分今天學姐分享的話題可以說是雅思口語Part one環節出現率最高的一個:Work or Study可能問到的內容:1. What work do you do? 工作內容I work. I have been working in an international trade company for three years. Im in sales department and I think this job is very suitable for me because I could use what I have learned at school and at the same time, there re a lot of new things for me to learn.我在一家國際貿易公司工作了三年。目前在銷售部門負責相關工作,我覺得目前的職位非常適合我,在學校學的內容可以應用在工作中,并且能學到很多新的內容。2.Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)? 選擇此類工作的原因Well, one of the most important reasons is that I did business major when I was in college, so I was able to put the knowledge I have gained in the courses into practice. Also, its a well-paid job.首要原因是我大學時期學習的專業是商科,學校的內容可以在這份工作中得到實踐。況且這份工作的報酬很豐厚。3.Do you miss being a student? 懷念學生時代嗎?No. I think being a student is hard work because we had heavy workload and many things to learn. The school was exam-oriented, which means what we learned was not very practical.從學習層面來說不太懷念,我覺得學生時期的學業任務比較重,太多東西需要去學。并且學校是以考試為結果導向的,實踐機會比較少。4.Do you like your job? 對你的工作滿意嗎?Yes, I do like it. Ive been working there for quite a long time. Even though its a small office the work environment is relaxing. I dont have to dress up and the colleagues are nice and hospitable.非常滿意。我已經從事這份工作很長一段時間了。盡管辦公室很小但工作環境很輕松。我不需要遵照嚴格的著裝要求,同事們相處起來也都很融洽。5.Why did you choose to study that subject? 選擇這個專業的原因?Firstly, I could use the knowledge that I learn at high school. Secondly, I could meet people who share the same interest with me. This could be helpful.首先,大學學習的專業和高中學習的內容很匹配,其次選擇這個專業是從個人興趣出發的,我可以在大學遇到很多志同道合的朋友,對我的學業很有幫助。6.What subjects are you studying? 學什麼專業?"Im doing accounting. Its practical and useful in getting a job and it gives me lots of confidence我的專業是會計學,它具有很強的實踐性,就業率比較高。學習會計讓我覺得自信心增強了不少。7.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? 你更喜歡在早上學習還是下午學習?I prefer studying in the afternoons because the weather is generally pleasant and cool. I can go and study in the school library when I have no classes. Whats more, I have the evenings to look forward to.我更傾向于下午學習,我的狀態會更好一些。沒課的時候我可以去圖書館自習,并且晚上的時間還很充裕。8.Are you looking forward to working? 期待工作嗎?Yeah. I think the best part of my life is when I get paid for something that I love doing. Whats more, I think Im still young, so I want to learn as much as can at work before starting my own business.非常期待,我覺得能夠從事一份自己熱愛的事業并獲得報酬是人生一大幸事。況且我覺得我還年輕,希望能在工作中盡可能多的學習,為我以后的創業多多積攢經驗。9.Do you like your subject? 喜歡你所學的專業嗎?I love it. I think its awesome. To be honest, Ive been interested in biology since junior high school. I always wanted to become a biologist. I feel like Im getting closer to my dream now.我太愛了我的專業了。老實說,我從初中開始就對生物學科產生了濃厚興趣,立志成為一名生物學家。學習這個專業讓我感覺,我離我的夢想更近了一步。相關搜索雅思口語評分標準雅思口語怎么準備雅思口語話題題庫雅思口語范文theystudent


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